New Year's Resolution? - HEY MIKIE

Wednesday 7 January 2015

New Year's Resolution?

I haven't made this kind of thing for a long time. Last year though, I told myself to drink more water but I suck at that. I also declared not to be late at work but I suck at that. Also, the "do more things", I suck at that. But that's so 2014. 

I want to keep this years resolution simple. I just want to be more courteous with my words. Use honorifics more and stop talking like I'm with my same age group at all times. I'm not mean. It's just that I don't speak the way I should speak and it's killing me. I swear I've been trying but then I guess I have to take it one step at a time. Can I do it? Yes of course! I just have to get used to it. So ironic. 

Taking this resolution stuff further, I want to challenge myself to be sort of early for work. For most times. I mean, I have only been late once in my work now but I'm ALWAYS in a hurry. Which sucks because I usually run for my life to be able to ride my train and bus on time. 

To EXPLORE! I get that most people would do anything to be where I am now and yet all I do is SLEEP. Believe me, I'm frustrated myself. Why am I such a bummer? I don't know. I'd do what I can do about it. 

I guess I tackled almost about all of what I want to do this year. All else, just let it be. Do you guys keep resolutions? I want to know. And do you keep them?? 

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