My Nara Experience - HEY MIKIE

Saturday 16 March 2019

My Nara Experience

Oh my. Good lord. The deers. I wish I had known the hand signal for them to go away because I was violated ladies and gentlemen. The thing is when you show them treats, they would attack! I mean, sure they have their horns taken off or something but still, it’s kind of traumatic actually. But! I still enjoyed it. Joke’s on me. 

How cute is this?

I bought two stacks of the biscuits at two different places. They sell for 150 yen each stack and so yeah. 

I actually enjoyed feeding them! Especially those who are just very shy and quiet. Hated when the alphas come because they’re very scary and so entitled! And they come running towards you too! Like, girl, I don’t owe you any snacks! 

You know what? I owe myself a snack. So snacks I should get! 

I also went to this place where the buddha displays are but I didn’t go in. Maybe I should have though but anyways. I remember having a very little time to comply with all of this so...

For all of you who doesn’t know, Nara is actually a place where there are lots of wild deers waiting for treats I guess. What’s special is that they sort of bow down to you as a sign of greeting so yeah, very interesting! I recommend you drop by and give it a look. That’s all! I would definitely go check this place again if given a chance. Thank you! 

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