Hong Kong Day 1 | Arrival Day - HEY MIKIE

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Hong Kong Day 1 | Arrival Day

Hello, Hong Kong. It's my first time for a ver long time. I'm so glad I went with my sisters because I'm positive it wouldn't be so nice alone. I guess it's that kind of place.


Can I just say that I'm glad we went on our own and not made land arrangements because we probably wouldn't be able to use it. Or how does that work?

It was so foggy when we arrived and it really added character to the city. It was awesome! This is actually a shot from a random building in Hong Kong when we were kind of lost. 

My sisters adulting. This is one purpose of our visit actually. To teach my sisters how to adult! Also, DISNEY, duh. Also, everything!


Looking delicious! We were so close to buying some of these but I remember my friends saying that they may look good but they don't taste as good. Generally speaking. 

A picture a sweet lady took in exchange of us taking theirs. 

Our neighborhood is acually very interesting. I'm kind of okay with us having to live there for 5 days. Sure I kind of want to live elsewhere next time but yeah. 

First proper meal in HK

After meal, we went to Victoria Harbour, took pictures, then went home. 


I just came to know that this is a popular brand to get tea from but it was actually not over the top. The tea shop I got my second milk tea from was nicer.

Our first day was kind of a mess. It rained for quite a while at night and we didn't have a choice but to go to the HARBOUR anyway because we don't have another time available to watch the light show. LUCKILY, it stopped just about a minute before the show started. We enjoyed the light show! It was free, bright, and colorful! That's all!

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