My 27th BUFF(et) DAYS! - HEY MIKIE

Wednesday 27 March 2019

My 27th BUFF(et) DAYS!

27 man. 27 some glorious and some non-glorious days. I mean, I'm not complaining. Here is how I celebrated my 27th! Mostly pictures though! But anyways. 

A family that wears red together, stays together!

 The first place we went to is a place called Sambokojin. Japanese-Korean cuisine. It was awesome because the whole family went! Almost. 

YUMMY! I mean, I could eat this whole day! Or month!
The raw meat section

Deserts that I should have eaten more of but the some I had was awesome!

Ramen was OK

I think I was a little overwhelmed by the food that I didn't able to enjoy this ramen as much as I would normally do. I mean, it was actually okay. Nothing against it whatsoever. 

The second time around

The second time around was in DADS. Awesome! 

Pasta Section
This is probably my favorite thing amongst it all! I mean, give me my beer please!
Also enjoyed this! Am I turning into a proper tita? YES I AM. 

I had fun! I'm 27. It is what it is. I'm excited to start my journey to wherever life takes me. That's all! I hope you enjoy browsing pictures! 


  1. Happy belated birthday! All the best to you!
    The food looks super yummy!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
