45 Days of Butter Coffee - HEY MIKIE

Thursday 2 May 2019

45 Days of Butter Coffee

I drank Butter Coffee everyday for a month. And a half. I actually learned this from my co-worker whose goal in life is not to go over the weight of 51kg and killing it. This petite co-worker of mine who eats like a construction worker and myself combined. Life is unfair. Anyways, she told me she saw it in the news so I was like, me likey! I want it too! Good thing is that there’s literally a Family Mart 3 mins. away from where I live so, okay. I religiously bought one everyday for 1 and a half months! Like, the Family Mart lady probably think I’m insane or something. But I proceeded with the experiment anyways. 

To be fair, it taste so good! I mean, in the first few weeks of course. Until you despise it! Up to the point when you can already taste the butter! Goodness. It’s probably the worst taste ever! Like, can’t drink it straight like I used to. Gives me headache too. Is it just me though? So as you can see from the picture, there are two variants you can choose from. I like the original better. But from time to time when I'm really sick of it, I pick up the sweet one too. 

I mean, are we seeing these butter bits?

It was fun! It’s kind of expensive. Twice the price of the coffee I’m used to drinking. Also, no effect on me. So I kind of know that high fat diet doesn’t work on me. So yeah. Tell me if you've tried this diet and if it worked for you! OR NOT.

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